Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I'm not exactly a professional blogger.  I certainly don't make any money at it (hint, feel free to hit an ad or two while you're here).  I don't have much of a background in politics, and the news drives me nuts.  Republicans blame Democrats and vice versa about the same issues day in and day out.  So one day I went and tried to figure out what was really going on.  That started a mini-hobby about trying to find the reality behind the mass media frenzy.

So my goal here is to provide hard data in digestible layman's terms.  My full intent is to keep political rhetoric out of it.  I'll really, really try...  I truly am a geek.  In real life I'm a systems engineer and I crunch numbers and build statistics all day and I have years of experience 'dumbing down' technical data into executive speak.  So this should be a fun experience for me.

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